Priory Group (UK)

Lifescience software for the EAEU dossier submission. More than 135 companies had selected us.

Priory Group (UK)

In the course of managing a large number of real estate companies there is a lot of documents - plans of the territory, floor plans, instructions, projects, etc. At some point, the company realized that a considerable volume of documents is difficult to manage, search,  track changes, etc.

It was decided to develop a simple archive of documents that would allow for each property to organize files and guide him. In addition, each object was tied to business unit and had a couple of additional attributes that need to be stored.

After initial selection Alfresco seemed the most suitable platform. The project was completed on the basis of Alfresco 3.3.g CE. There were developed several reference books, the folder structure on the objects. All documents were loaded into Alfresco and transferred to the appropriate file objects.